A more serious topic today, learning to trust your gut. Be warned people of the metaphysical and new age communities. Even Narcissists, compulsive lairs, and twisted people can be in our groups too, for all walks of life seek salvation from their suffering.
If you are unsure if someone is starting to manipulate you, listen to your second brain: “It turns out that both our gut and our brain originate early in embryogenesis from the same clump of tissue which divides during fetal development. While one section turns into the central nervous system, another piece migrates to become the enteric nervous system. Later the two nervous systems connect via a cable called the vagus nerve — the longest of all the cranial nerves whose name is derived from Latin, meaning “wandering.” The vagus nerve meanders from the brain stem through the neck and finally ends up in the abdomen. There’s the brain-gut connection.“(Patient Heal Thyself by Jordan S. Rubin, NMD, CNC)
That is why the book “The 5th agreement” is all about discernment and listening to your gut. If you feel like someone is trying to manipulate you, chances are, they are. Everyone should work towards checking themselves and watching the behavior around them.
We all get mad, sure. But when you start to see yourself has privileged or superior, the dark slope will sink you in a blindness of righteousness. Deception is an ability all humans have.
Don’t ever think you won’t or can’t use it. The safest way to prevent yourself from falsehood is by telling the truth, always. Don’t lie, especially to yourself.
When faced with the darkness in others. See it as a blessing, of what NOT to do, and how NOT to live. There is no need to compete.
Love, yes as cliche as it is, love is all you need. Love is not manipulation. Love is that voice inside that keeps you going. It is the feeling of caring for someone you have never met. It is the sight to see beauty in everything. It is the sound of bells and angel voices.
(Image from google)
Let love guide you, not fear.